Vol 6 (2007)
Original Articles
Nüssler NC, Stange BJ, Petzold M, Nussler AK, Glanemann M, Guckelberger O
Reduced NK-Cell Activity in Patients with Metastatic Colon Cancer.
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:1-9 -
Ramos-Clamont GM, Acedo-Felix E, Winzerling J, Vázquez-Moreno L
Escherichia coli K88 Interaction with IgA Oligosaccharides.
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:10-22 -
Yanagita M, Yoshida M, Hoshino S, Yano Y, Inoue K, Takimoto T, Hirata H, Kashiwa Y, Kumagai T, Osaki T, Kijima T, Tachibana I, Kawase I
Anti-fibrotic Effects of ONO-EF-345, a Specific Phosphodiesterase IV inhibitor, on Lung Fibroblasts.
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:23-35 -
Jiang L, Wang K, Liu S, Yuan C, Xiao W, Xiao X
Intracellular Delivery of Recombinant alpha B-crystallin into Neonatal Rat Cardiomyocytes has a Protective Effect on the Cells.
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:100-114 -
Haddad JJ
The Role of Anti- and Pro-apoptotic Cofactors in Hypoxia/Reoxygenation-Dependent Regulation of MAPKs in the Brain of an Anoxia-Tolerant Model.
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:115-137 -
Takara K, Horibe S, Yoshikawa E, Kishi H, Kitada N, Ohnishi N, Yokoyama T
Expression profiles of a drug metabolizing enzyme CYP3A62 mRNA in the intestine of rats.
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:138-144 -
Kozlova NI, Morozevich GE, Ushakova NA, Preobrazhenskaya ME, Shtil AA, Berman AE
The role of a2b1 integrin in anchorage dependent apoptosis of breast carcinoma and hepatoma cells.
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:145-151 -
Bartels M, Meyer zu Vilsendorf A, Kassahun WT, von Gerstenbergk B, Engelhart K, Meyer zu Vilsendorf E, Faber S, Hans K. Biesalski HK
Protective effect of antioxidative vitamins against lipid peroxidation in liver ischemia and reperfusion - an animal experimental study.
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:152-166 -
Isarankura-Na-Ayudhya C, Tantimongcolwat T, Kongpanpee T, Prabkate P, Prachayasittikul V
Appropriate Technology for the Bioconversion of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) to Liquid Ethanol: Future Prospects for Community Strengthening and Sustainable Development.
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:167-176 -
Hering S, Rodig H, Augustin C, Edelmann J, Heidel M, Dressler J, Szibor R
DXS10079, DXS10074 and DXS10075: new alleles and SNP occurrence
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:177-182 -
Schupp T, West RJ
Primary aromatic amines: the contribution of sediment organisms to human exposure
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:187-196
Yan L, Bai C, Song J, Wang Q, Fang G, Zhong H
Wireless capsule endoscopy exploration for diseases of the small intestine in China
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:197-202
Review Articles
Haddad JJ
The Emphatic Role of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases (MAPKs) in the Cellular Mechanisms Mediating Alzheimer's Disease.
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:36-67 -
Haddad JJ
Molecular Regulation of Inflammatory Pain and Hyperalgesia - Is NF-kB the Lynchpin? Focus Article and Critical Review.
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:68-92
Case Reports
Liu J, Zhou X, Han Z, Yan L, Wang J, Fan D
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis associated with rheumatoid arthritis: two case reports in China
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:183-186
Zwenger S, Basu C
In silico analysis of terpene synthase genes in Arabidopsis thaliana
EXCLI Journal 2007;6:203-211